This is because it rewires our brains to prioritize positive experiences over negative ones. Even during challenging times, practicing gratitude can help us find hope and perspective. Research has shown how important it is to express gratitude (if you want to be happy). Positive psychology not only impacts your mental health, but physical, spiritual and social health too. Developing an attitude of gratitude comes easily for some and for others takes some practice and habit-building. However, no matter how you come by it, practicing gratitude in your daily life can transform it from one of doom and gloom to one of peace and joy.

The flip side is being resentful and seeing what’s wrong in life, not what’s right. And no matter which way we choose to look, there will be plenty to be found of both. For example, if you want to quit any toxic habits, the attitude of gratitude leads to stronger self-control to overcome bad behavior.

The Relationship Between Love and Gratitude in Recovery

But learning to pay attention to the good things that surround you every day can be one of the most valuable tools for your recovery from addiction. Whether you keep a journal, make a list, or choose some other way to track the positives in your life, a gratitude practice can be a constant, comforting companion on the road to recovery. If you’re already using a journal to support your recovery, you can add a gratitude section or allot part of every entry to record things that you’re grateful for that day.

Whether you’re walking your pup, vacuuming or watering your plants, try doing so mindfully. Mindfulness allows you the opportunity to be grateful for each moment, no matter how mundane. A great way to take the focus off yourself and your own difficulties is to help others.

Overcoming Negative Thinking with Gratitude

For people working toward recovery, a journal can be a place to track progress, uncover causes for addiction, and figure out new ways of dealing with stressful situations. While cultivating gratitude is an ongoing process, its rewards are immeasurable. For those in addiction recovery, it’s a transformative force, rebuilding lives and reigniting hope, one appreciative thought at a time. One of the best ways to feel grateful is to give back and help others. Whether volunteering, donating to a worthy cause, or simply lending a listening ear, giving back is a great way to practice gratitude in recovery.

importance of gratitude in recovery

Gratitude allows us to live in the present moment and appreciate what we have right now. Addiction can be isolating, and it creates pain and misunderstanding in relationships of all kinds. Being able to communicate clearly importance of gratitude in recovery about your recovery experience and to ask for help when you need it can strengthen relationships and solve problems. Addiction keeps a person stuck in an unpleasant “now” that revolves around getting your next fix.

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