For the stair climb – the first event – candidates will don an additional 25-lb weight, to simulate the carrying of a hose pack into a high-rise fire. Below is the instructions for online application of Joining Instructions, Admission/Transfer, Science/Technical and Gifted forms. We however, advise the Applicants to read the instructions very carefull before applying. Firefighter Recruit - EMT is a safety classification in the Alameda County Fire Department. This classification is characterized by assignment to the Fire Recruit Academy and subsequent training assignments prior to appointment to a fire suppression position. Under close supervision during this Academy, the Recruit must gain understanding of lifesaving and firefighting methods through intensive academic instruction and specialized training.

  1. Each event must be completed exactly as prescribed – if a candidate fails any component of the test, they will fail the entire test.
  2. The application will be received  by FCTC and a staff member will contact you with additional details within 5 business days.
  3. On January 20, 2008, the ACFD became responsible for the administration and operation of the Alameda County Regional Emergency Communications Center (ACRECC).
  4. On test day, you will be required to show proper government-issued identification.

Alameda County requires applicants to provide supporting documentation to substantiate a request for reasonable accommodation. In order to qualify for a reasonable accommodation, applicants must have a disability/medical condition pursuant to the ADA, FEHA and applicable statutes. Firefighter Recruit - Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) is the entry-level fire suppression, prevention, and emergency response EMT position for the Alameda County Fire Department. This classification exists solely for those EMT’s who are completing their initial fire department training in the Alameda County Fire Department Training Academy. To upload your required documents for this recruitment and for more information regarding test dates and times for FCTC exams, please visit

Candidates will then have 2.5 hours to complete 100 multiple choice questions. It is a fully validated general knowledge written test with questions and examples tailored to the profession and designed to demonstrate your ability to process information and think critically. If you choose not to participate in this pre-test program, you will be required to sign a waiver acknowledging that you are aware of the pre-test program and have declined to include it in your preparations to complete the CPAT.

Scheduling Your CPAT

FCTC also provides a complete online Orientation Guide, with detailed information about the test events. Participants in the CPAT must navigate eight separate events on a closed course within a span of 10 minutes and 20 seconds. Each event simulates a physical skill or function that firefighters experience on the job. The timed test measures how candidates handle eight separate events, all designed to mirror tasks on the job.

Materials provided directly by the Firefighter Candidate Testing Center (FCTC) are the only FCTC Written Test materials authorized and endorsed by FCTC and/or the California Firefighter Joint Apprenticeship Committee (Cal-JAC). There are outside vendors selling study materials and/or programs claiming to provide FCTC Written Test assistance, but any such vendors have no affiliation with FCTC. Cal-JAC and FCTC are the only trusted source of study materials and classes related to the FCTC Written Test. Candidates hoping to begin a career in the fire service must undergo a rigorous physical and written testing process that is used by departments to determine their potential for success as a firefighter. During the test, candidates wear a helmet, gloves and 50-lb weighted vests, designed to simulate the weight of firefighter personal protective equipment.

The timed test measures how candidates handle eight separate events, all designed to mirror the on-the-job tasks of an entry-level firefighter. In 2014, Cal-JAC expanded its CPAT centers to include written testing and the Firefighter Candidate Testing Center was born. The FCTC Written Test was developed from the ground up by fire service and human resource experts. FCTC also continues to offer stand-alone CPAT testing to departments and offers document verification and outreach services. Qualified candidates are placed on the FCTC Statewide List, from which fire departments around the state are able to draw for fire department openings. FCTC also offers a two-hour, in-person class in which an FCTC instructor will overview the test, solve sample test questions step-by-step, provide useful test taking techniques and answer candidate questions.

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The four testing centers -- in Livermore, Sacramento, San Diego County and South El Monte -- have tested more than 30,000 candidates on the physical skills they will need to become a successful firefighter. The CPAT testing fee includes the test and two optional orientation sessions. Additional practice days can also be scheduled separately for an additional fee. The general knowledge test evaluates candidates’ ability to think critically and process information and is specifically tailored to the job of an entry-level firefighter in California.

Invitation to Biddle Physical Agility Exam

Candidates will be accompanied by a test proctor, who will call out directions for the test events and score the candidate’s success in real time. The Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT) is the recognized standard for measuring an individual’s ability to handle the physical demands of being a firefighter. We deliver telecommunication services, technology services, and select consumer products to the residents of Dysart, Clutier, and the surrounding rural areas of Tama and Benton Counties in Iowa.

Participation in one or more orientation sessions is strongly encouraged. Candidates who take advantage of orientation consistently have a higher passage rate than those who do not. FCTC also offers a 2.5 hour, in-person class in which an FCTC instructor will overview the test, solve sample test questions step-by-step, provide useful test taking techniques and answer candidate questions. During orientation, candidates will receive instruction on the test and the test events, and will have the opportunity to try out the CPAT testing equipment to better understand what will be required. In order to better prepare candidates for the Written Test, FCTC has created a free study guide that covers all four sections of the exam, providing study tips and sample questions for prospective test takers.

All notices related to County recruitments for which you have applied will be sent/delivered via email. Please add,, , and  as accepted addresses to any email blocking or spam filtering program you may use. If you do not do this, your email blocking or spam filtering program may block receipt of the notices regarding your application for recruitments.

Candidates should allow 2.5 hours for the test and 1 hour for registration at the designated testing site. Candidates must be in proper fctconline CPAT attire before participating in any CPAT event. On test day, you will be required to show proper government-issued identification.

This class is distinguished from the classification of Firefighter in that incumbents are in training to effectively function in the position of Firefighter upon promotion. This classification is further distinguished from the classification of Firefight Recruit - Paramedic in that the latter classification is required to maintain a California paramedic license. On January 20, 2008, the ACFD became responsible for the administration and operation of the Alameda County Regional Emergency Communications Center (ACRECC). ACRECC is also the Dispatch/System Status Management Center for Falck ambulance service. The Firefighter Candidate Testing Centers -- formerly the CPAT Testing Centers -- were established in 2004 by the California Firefighter Joint Apprenticeship Committee (Cal-JAC). On test day, candidates must bring one form of valid government identification -- driver's license, state ID card or U.S. passport -- to be admitted to the test.

Candidates on the SEL are considered for employment by fire agencies across the state. FCTC’s telephone service provides unmatched reliablity and call quality. If you would like to know where to buy Feathercoin at the current rate, the top cryptocurrency exchange for trading in Feathercoin stock is currently Finexbox.

The IAFF/IAFC standards for the Candidate Physical Ability Test states that each candidate must have the opportunity to attend at least two orientation sessions within eight (8) weeks prior to taking the test. Each event must be completed exactly as prescribed – if a candidate fails any component of the test, they will fail the entire test. Candidates also fail if they do not complete the eight events within the 10-minute, 20-second time limit. FCTC maintains a list of eligible candidates that is used by over 170 California fire departments in their hiring processes.

The application will be received  by FCTC and a staff member will contact you with additional details within 5 business days. Testing Accommodations are performed at the Sacramento and South El Monte FCTC locations. Testing availability and other accommodation locations will be available at the discretion of the FCTC Office. If you have additional questions about the CPAT, check out our CPAT FAQ. All CPAT participants must be at least 18 years of age and possess proper government-issued identification. CPAT tests must be scheduled online in advance -- test-day registration or rescheduling is not accepted.

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